City of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
The city of Rotterdam is a municipality renowned for its architectural innovation and cultural diversity. As the coordinator in the DiGiN project, Rotterdam is committed to embedding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) across its extensive municipal services. The city’s strategic DEI initiatives include developing inclusive urban policies and supporting community-driven projects to ensure equal opportunities for all its residents. Rotterdam’s role in DiGiN includes piloting DEI interventions and contributing to the development of a comprehensive DEI strategy aimed at transforming municipal operations and community interactions.

City of Ghent (Belgium)
The city of Ghent stands out for its progressive policies and active engagement in promoting social equality. As part of the DiGiN project, Ghent focuses on integrating DEI strategies into its administrative framework to foster an inclusive work environment for municipal employees. The city’s approach is characterised by its emphasis on policy innovation and community collaboration, ensuring that DEI principles are thoroughly implemented and sustained. Ghent’s contributions to DiGiN revolve around assessing and enhancing DEI practices within municipal operations and sharing best practices across European municipalities.

City of Genoa (Italy)
The city of Genoa brings its rich historical context to the DiGiN project, blending traditional values with modern DEI initiatives. The city’s participation involves tailoring DEI strategies to its unique demographic and cultural landscape, focusing on improving inclusivity within municipal services and public engagements. Genoa’s commitment to the project includes developing targeted interventions that address the specific needs of its diverse population, thereby promoting an inclusive community ethos that permeates all levels of municipal governance.

Leiden University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)
The Leiden University of Applied Sciences contributes with its broad academic knowledge and research expertise to the DiGiN project. The institution’s role lies in evaluating the effectiveness of DEI interventions across the participating municipalities. By leveraging its academic resources and interdisciplinary approaches, Leiden supports the project’s objective to establish evidence-based DEI strategies that are scalable and adaptable to different municipal contexts.

Yellow Window (Belgium)
Yellow Window is a multidisciplinary consultancy specialising in product, service and policy design, with considerable expertise in the fields of gender equality and social innovation. They have extensive experience in designing research methodologies, collecting and analysing complex and comprehensive data, drafting thorough and accessible reports communicating the research findings, and translating them into concrete (policy) recommendations. Yellow Window has developed various toolkits in support of policy implementation, including the GEAR tool for the European Commission and EIGE. In the DiGiN project, Yellow Window leads the capacity building for change agents for fostering institutional transformation towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in municipal contexts also develops a toolkit of DEI capacity-building materials across Europe, ensuring that the project’s DEI strategies are both evidence-based.